From 12.10.2012 to 31.05.2013

National Gallery – Nafplion Annex

The annex of the National Gallery and Alexander Soutsos Museumin Nafplion, will launch an exhibition entitled “The years of Otho’s reign” (1833-1862), Friday, October 12th, 2012, at 20.30.

The exhibition is organized as part of the Nafplion Municipality for the 150 years since the Nauplian Revolution (February 1-8 Apriliou1862). The exhibition includes engravings and paintings depicting the historical period from the arrival of Otho in Nafplion, the first capital of Greece, to the king’s eviction (October 1862) and focuses on basic features of modern iconography. It includes photographic material as well as caricatures of that era, too.

The exhibition also presents engravings of the rich collection of Professor of Law and t. Vice Rector of the National University of Athens Mr. Ioannis Karakostas, engravings and paintings which were donated by the National Historical Museum of Athens and the City Museum of Athens, by the Vouros – Eutaxias Foundation, works from the collections of the Benaki Museum, costumes from the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation B. Papantoniou, works from the collections of Nafplion municipality, of the lawyer Mr. Konstantinos Karapaflou and Mr. John Spiliotakis and photographs of the Gennadius Library.