In 1934 he settled with his family in Thessaloniki and in 1943 began to study Medicine, which he dropped in his first year of study, turning to music. During the period 1951-1952 he studied at the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki, where he earned a degree in violin and then continued at the Music Academy of Vienna (1952-1953). In that same period he became involved with painting, and after he returned to Thessaloniki in 1954, he devoted himself to it. With the scholarships he received he worked in 1956 in Munich, in 1960 in Urbino, in 1972-1973 in Berlin (on a scholarship from D.A.A.D.) and in 1978-1979 in Worpswede in the former East Germany. His creative career was brought to a halt in 1988 as a year earlier he fell victim to an incurable disease.

His first solo show was organized in Thessaloniki in 1959 and the same year he began to take part in group shows, with a multitude of appearances both inside and outside Greece. In 1994 his work was presented in a retrospective exhibition at Warehouse I of the Port Authority of Thessaloniki.

In his earliest works, one finds both figurative and abstract depictions. Later he turned to abstraction, and then began to incorporate various objects into his work, frequently adding color as well, his aim being to stress the role of time and wear and tear. His artistic creation was then further extended to the fields of performance, happening, body and living art, incorporating his own body into a number of these works.
