From 27.10.2021

Coumantaros Art Gallery, Sparta

The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum haw the honor to invite you to the opening of the permanent exhibition of the Coumantaros Art Gallery,
entitled Modern Greek Art 19th – 20th century, on Saturday 27 October, at 20hrs.Coumantaros Art Gallery of Sparta

National Gallery Alexandros Soutsos Museum Annex
123, Konstantinou Palaiologou & Thermopylon Street, 23100 Sparta

Tel: 27310 81822, 27310 81557

Opening Hours:
Daily, 8.00 am – 15.00 pm, except Tuesdays

Click here in order to download the opening invitation.
Click here in order to browse the Annex’s webpage.