From 18.05.2017 to 02.07.2017
From darkness to light. Three wounded works by Parthenis. From trauma to healing
The new exhibition From Darkness to Light. Three Wounded Paintings by Parthenis. From Wound to Healing has been inspired by the topic of this year’s Museum Day: ‘Museums and Contested Histories: Saying the Unspeakable in Museums’. It is accompanied by a film screening tracing the history of the artworks destroyed by fire at the house of the painter’s daughter in 1981. Conservation of the first one was carried out by the National Gallery’s Conservation Laboratory in 1982–1985. The other two paintings were conserved in 2014–2016, following many years of research.
Parallel events, guided tours and activities inspired by the exhibition paintings will be announced on the National Gallery’s website.
Curated by Zina Kaloudi
Duration: 18/5 – 2/7/2017